
Precinct lease approved

Legislature signs off on 30-year deal to build new police headquarters in Rosen Shopping Center


The Nassau County Legislature approved a lease Dec. 16 to authorize construction of a new 1st Police Precinct in the Rosen Shopping Center on Grand Avenue. The item was approved along party lines.

Legislator Joe Scannell (D-Baldwin), one of 10 Democratic lawmakers voting in favor of the lease, considered the plan a great deal for the county and for the police.

But Republican lawmakers — all nine of whom voted against the lease — and several Baldwin residents voiced strong opposition, calling the lease arrangement a sweetheart deal for the Rosen family, which owns the shopping center.

One resident threatened litigation against the county, claiming he would file charges with the state Attorney General's office because county officials did not adequately explore other locations to move the precinct before entering into a long-term lease with a widely despised landlord.

For more information, see next week's Herald.