We've got you covered

Your source for all things East Meadow


Welcome to the East Meadow Herald. Or, for those who pick up your community newspaper every week, welcome back!

This is a particularly special issue, as it includes our annual Almanac and Newcomer’s Guide, which is filled with lots of useful information about our hamlet. It lists important contact numbers for government officials and services, as well as local schools, churches, synagogues, parks and community organizations. The Almanac also includes a complete listing of businesses in the Chamber of Commerce, and you can view great photographs taken over the past year.

Despite what you may hear about the newspaper industry, community journalism is thriving. Every week the Herald provides you with the news that’s occurring in your own backyard. We easily become distracted with our own busy lives, but picking up the Herald lets you quickly and conveniently grasp what’s going on just down the block. Each week you’ll find out what’s happening at local schools, keep up on high school sports and discover the latest goings-on at the library.

Are there new businesses in the community? How much will taxes go up when the school budget passes? Were there a rash of robberies around the corner? When is the next community get-together at Veterans Memorial Park? You can get the answer to these questions, and many more, when you read the Herald.

Looking for something to do this week? Check out the Calendar page and read the Stepping Out arts and entertainment page for many events to attend.

From September to June we have a weekly Schools page. There is also a sports page that, during the school year, exclusively highlights high school sports and athletes.

In the back of the paper, you’ll find an opinion section that includes an editorial, columns and letters to the editor (submitted by you). The editorial is the viewpoint of the newspaper focusing on a local issue, decided each week by the Herald’s editorial board. Columns are personal opinion pieces, and letters are a chance for readers to share their thoughts, whether it is a response to a story in the Herald, a letter about another letter or an issue affecting the community.

There are lots of opportunities for community participation. This is your paper, filled with information you want to know and share. And, aside from letter writing, a great way to share is by submitting a Neighbors in the News item.

The Neighbors in the News come directly from readers. It’s an opportunity to spotlight important moments in your lives. If you or your neighbor get married, engaged, promoted, have a baby, celebrate an anniversary or win an award, spread the news. Just drop me a letter or email skoehle@liherald.com, write a short description and you’ll see it in the paper.

Who am I? I’m the editor of the East Meadow Herald and have the pleasure of bringing you the news you want each and every week. I’m often out at community events and driving around the neighborhood, so if you see me, please say hi.

Community journalism is a necessary form of communication and rewarding to report. This opportunity came along when I returned to Long Island after a stint in Arizona following graduation from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. My college education prepared me for this moment, and I’m always glad to share what I’ve learned with you.

Don’t forget: The East Meadow Herald is your paper. Please contact me with story ideas, comments, questions, and just to get acquainted.

I hope you enjoyed learning about your paper. I look forward to providing the news that you can use and want to know. Until next week, be well.