Five Towns Letter to the Editor


Take everybody’s signs down

To the Editor:

I read the Letter to the editor, “Take election signs down” (Dec. 19-25), calling on Woodmere Fire District Commissioner David Stern (he was re-elected) to remove his campaign signs following the recent election.

I don’t know why the author asked to have his or her name withheld, but I find it odd that the author singled out this commissioner. The letter was submitted and published before the 10-day period for removing signs under the referenced town ordinance had passed.

Driving around the neighborhood, I can’t help but notice some signs that are still up from the November election, but could barely find any signs from the fire commissioner election.

I would agree with the author that election signs are often left up for too long after the election, but don’t think that this year’s commissioner election was really the occasion to make it an issue.

Debra Davis
