Lawrence's Number Two School preps their newest students at orientation


As students across the country begin to go back to school, the Lawrence school district, specifically those moving up from kindergarten to first grade, guided their newest students at its Lawrence Primary School at the Number Two School ahead of the first day with an orientation to help ease any nerves.

The Aug. 23 orientation brought in parents and students to the school to familiarize themselves with the building and reconnect with old friends and meet new ones.

“Preparing our students to enter into a new school building feeling comfortable and excited is of utmost importance!” Kristen Panzarella, principal of Lawrence Primary School, wrote in an email. “The start of a new school year brings with it a level of excitement and naturally, a level of nervousness. Orientation allows our families to gain insight as to what they can expect in the year ahead and how they can best support their children as they transition to a new school building.”

To help ease the level of nervousness, parents, along with their children, toured the facilities and saw where they would call their classroom for the next nine months.

“First grade is such an important year,” Superintendent Ann Pedersen, also wrote in an email. “Having the children know what to expect will certainly help them.”

The morning-long event was filled with activities for families and their children to get comfortable in their newest home for the next coming years.

What was a full house in the school gymnasium, three groups were made to separate families and their children for the jammed pack itinerary, which included a school tour, a visit to the school library with a special appearance by Peninsula Public Library representatives, which has been the school district’s library since 1951 and a photo booth in the auditorium where students got to pose with their family with their “Ready For School” crowns they made.

Cedarhurst resident Christian Suárez, whose daughter Olivia will be moving up to the first grade, said he felt no nerves for her. Instead, he said, it’s a part of life.

“It’s natural,” he said in Spanish and afterwards blew a kiss to Olivia. “She got up early, got dressed and was excited to come. To do all that and with a smile, it is very beautiful to see.”

In the hallways greeting families was the local Scoutreach program, an afterschool program affiliated with the Boys Scouts of America that helps students take part in a variety of activities that incorporate science, technology, engineering and math while also gaining an awareness of community service, which help earns scouting badges. The fee for the school year is $10.

“It gives them a sense of belonging, like joining a team,” said Scoutreach leader Pamela Makaea,. “You get shared adventures, lessons, experiences and fun. You’re exposed to different things and you bond with extended time together.”

Makaea said that sign-ups at orientation went well and are halfway to their goal of 50 children for the year.

The first day of school for all Lawrence schools is Sept. 5.