Merry Christmas from Long Island’s bishop


Editor’s note: The following is a Christmas message from John Barres, bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre.

Dear Reader:
Merry Christmas to you and your families! Christmas is a powerful time of unity and communion for your families, and every Christmas is a time for our families to open even more deeply to the healing and transforming power of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Holy Family.

The Holy Family not only transformed but also revolutionized the world and history through humility, poverty, adoration and trust in the plan of God, and a complete dedication to the glory of God.

Mary’s silent adoration and awe teach us to see through everyday human events and appearances to the presence of Christ in every situation. Joseph teaches us rock-solid trust and bold docility in the shifting terrain and unexpected events of daily life. The shepherds teach us simplicity, humility and reverent adoration. The Infant Prince of Peace teaches us that God’s mercy is the beating heart of the Gospel and the Créche scene. Mercy is the foundation of the church’s mission in the world.

In the mystery of the Nativity, we marvel and give glory to God with the shepherds and the wise men. We realize in the image of a poor, homeless family and the image of a poor, vulnerable baby who God’s logic in the Incarnation overturns and confounds the narrow logic of human power and calculation. Families transform the world and history.

The Holy Family continues to transform our marriages and our families — right in our daily experiences of the joys, crosses, crises, and unresolved issues of every marriage and every family in a fallen world. Amid the weaknesses and failures of daily family life, we remember the glory of God that radiates from the manger lifting our families, despite their daily imperfections, to transform the world and history through faith, holiness and a missionary spirit.

When we pray and mediate on the Créche at Christmas, we experience a spiritual rebirth and fresh insights into our daily family routine and our daily family spiritual, emotional and relational patterns. We allow the ruts of sin and selfishness in our families to be purified with daily patterns of prayer, grace and conversion. We remember that personal conversion sends ripple effects throughout a family.

The Créche leads us to a deep experience of mercy and forgiveness in our families. And we remember that the confessionals in our churches are “doors of mercy” and forgiveness for our families. I invite you to take advantage of the gift of reconciliation by participating in the confessions offered at your parish during the holy season.

During this Christmas season, I want to thank you and your families for transforming the world and history with Christ’s love.