Hewlett Happenings

Midterms creates pressure for students and faculty


Midterm week, the time of year where students pack the library, rush to their teachers, and arrange study sessions with one another via video chat or any other form of communication. After a hiatus due to last year’s Hurricane Sandy, Hewlett High School’s Midterm Week is back, serving as walk-up call for freshman and seniors alike.
“Preparing for my first high school midterms has really showed me how stressful high school really is. I have been studying every night for the past week for my biology and combined English and Global midterms. It’s a lot of material to remember but I try to think of it as a brain refresher that I will be thankful for when it comes time to prepare for my finals,” freshman Ali Beyda said.
“Midterm week is very hard to prepare for. It does not seem like a lot of material to remember but it has been half the year. Studying has been very stressful because I need to remember five months of school material in only a few days,” said sophomore Lindsey Reiter.
Too many exams literally tested some students ability to manage their time and be prepared as some had with in-class midterms the week before.
“As a junior in several college classes I felt that teachers were not accommodating towards students situations regarding midterm testing,” Ariel Purnsrian said. “Not only was I obligated to take three college class midterms in one day, I was also dealing with other school work and tests since my tests were administered on a school week before the midterm week. I think teachers should’ve been more understanding towards students’ situations in order to prevent any further stress during these important tests and ensure all students have adequate circumstances to test.”

The stress of preparing for the SAT and ACT, juniors have a lot on their plate this time of year. When teachers made the choice to test on school days, despite having reserved specific days for testing, it left students with less time for other activities.
“I don’t understand why some teachers of core subjects choose to test in class in the middle of a busy school week. Between regular classes and homework, it is very overwhelming to come home to sit and do work all night, with literally no chance to enjoy any leisure time or after-school activities,” said junior Ariel Eisenberg.
The seniors, who have sent out their college applications and possibly received responses, are headed into their second and final semester here at Hewlett High. They are Midterm Week veterans as this year will be their third year of midterm week at Hewlett. With plenty of experience in studying and preparing, many feel tranquil about their final midterm week in high school. In many cases, seniors have a lot less midterms than lower classmen.
Daryl Last, a Midterm Week pro, offers a few suggestions. “Although I don’t have to take any midterms, the stress for teachers to get in all these last-minute grades is stressful. There needs to be a way to make sure students can balance school work and other activities important to them,” she said.
Faculty and students at Hewlett have been using their time preparing for midterm exams. So, just remember the next time you drive past Everit Avenue and see stressed students and teachers carrying loads of books and papers, wish them good luck as this pressure-packed week winds down.