Schooling students for business world


In preparation for the work world, Hewlett High School students have the opportunity to take courses, attend events and participate in programs their Business Education Department offers.

The Business Advisory Board, that operates through the department, gives students real-word connections and insights into what companies think are the important skills their potential future employees should learn.

Barbara Mattes, chair of the Business Education Department at Hewlett High School, said the Business Advisory Board, which is comprised of school faculty, parents and local business people, meets three times a year so members can give their advice about the courses, student events and programs the department offers such as Career Day and Interview Day in which they get to hear from various professionals and participate in a mock interview.

“We started 22 years ago by making connections to what we were teaching in the real world,” she said. “Today’s (New York state) education standards focus on college and career readiness and we were at the forefront of the initiative.”

Mattes said the board is very valuable to the 882 students who take Business Education Department courses and the school district because students are able to see how what they’re learning is applied in the business world and board members give their input concerning the business curriculum. “We offer a lot of opportunities and the students seem to embrace it,” she said.

Ilene Walker, a business department teacher, helps run the Career and Interview Day programs as well as the Senior Experience where 12th grade business students obtain internships in the business world. “There’s only so much we can do within the building parameters so it’s great to get the students outside in the community,” she said. “(Business Advisory Board members) use their expertise to help with our students and it’s an important connection to have.”

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