HAFTR Highlights

Sculpting help for terrorist attack victims


Let me tell you about what has been happening at Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway (HAFTR) High School. A prominent HAFTR family has commissioned an Israeli artist, Yaron Bob, to build a menorah in front of the high school building on Central Avenue in Cedarhurst.
The most interesting aspect of Bob’s art is that he takes Kassam rockets that have been launched at Israel and fashions sculptures out of the deformed shell. He mainly makes roses out of the instruments of death; to him they symbolize peace and beauty.
He spoke to some HAFTR seniors and juniors, and explained how he came to do this. He was an art teacher and blacksmith in Yated, a small community near the west border between Gaza and Egypt.
One day at recess, Bob was in his workshop when the sirens sounded. He realized that there was not enough time to get to the shelter — in that area one has a maximum of 15 seconds to get to the shelter. He crouched down under a wall and prayed that nothing would happen to him and the students. When the rocket hit, landing a mere 45 feet away, he was the closest one to it. Thankfully, no one was hurt.
Unable to rest that evening, Bob went back to his workshop and asked for the detonated shell. He wanted to stop being afraid, so he took the metal and turned it into an agricultural tool. While doing so, he realized that it was cleansing for him; he was taking the waste and transforming it into something beautiful. The mayor of Yated requested some of his work and soon he was getting commissions from all over the world, including building a menorah for the White House.
A large percentage of his income is given to organizations that help victims of terrorist attacks. Bob has had a couple of close calls. “I am spoiled [because] I don’t have to go to the police to ask for rockets, they land in my backyard,” he said.
Bob then showed the students how to make trees from pliable metal wires. Having used up all the bandages in the nurse’s inventory, we are all proud owners of useful metal spiders.

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