Students plant trees in Grant Park
November 30, 2016
2:18 pm
Rashma Sadiq, Glenda Kampton, Hailey Kampton and Maria Pitaro, a master gardener intern, measured the space for one of the new trees.
Susan Grieco/Herald
Master gardener intern Russ Gorog attached the posts to a new tree that was planted at Grant Park in Hewlett last month.
Susan Grieco/Herald
David Vilensky and Paul Cohen dug out a hole for one of the seven trees planted at Grant Park.
Susan Grieco/Herald
Students from Hewlett High and master gardeners from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County planted trees at Grant Park on Nov. 20.
Susan Grieco/Herald
Hewlett High School students helped by master gardeners from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County planted seven trees at the county’s Grant Park in Hewlett on Nov. 20.
The saplings, three tulip and four red maples, were initially grown at the Hewlett-Woodmere Community Garden Learning Center on East Rockaway Road across from the high school behind the Hewlett House.