Todd Kaminsky launches school supply drive

Assemblyman collecting items at Long Beach office


The summer is nearing its end, and to help students in the community prepare for school, Assemblyman Todd Kaminsky (D-Long Beach) has launched a back-to-school supply drive. School supplies for all grade levels will be collected until Tuesday, Sept. 8. in the lobby of Kaminsky’s Long Beach office at 20 West Park Ave.
“Ensuring that all students have the tools they need to succeed is a top priority of mine,” Kaminsky said. “Back-to-school shopping can be a costly and stressful experience for many families and I hope to alleviate some of that burden by providing quality school supplies for children in need.”
Suggested items include, but are not limited to new or gently used backpacks, No. 2 pencils, notebooks, binders, folders, crayons, colored pencils, rulers, and safety scissors. All donations, regardless of size, will be greatly appreciated.