Turning the page on another school year


The bell rang. Although most days the 2:56 p.m. bell is just a signal to go home, this time the bell rang for the last time to end classes. And with that, on June 10, Hewlett High School’s 2010-‘11 school year came to an end. Although finals, which have been taken, loomed in the immediate future, the only emotion at that time was overwhelming excitement.

Yes, of course, students love the end of school. Although Hewlett High School has worked tirelessly over the years to create an atmosphere that its students will enjoy being a part of with events such as Sports Night and Field Day, there is no event as heavily anticipated as the last day of school.

But that bell, is more of a nominal end to school than anything. In this regard, school really doesn’t end for much longer. For most students, especially grades nine through 11, the next two weeks were among the most grueling weeks of school. Those who choose to truly apply themselves for the end of the year exams populated the tables of the library or the quietest rooms of their homes. And for more than a week and a half, students took test after test, a constant reminder of how much was truly covered this year and how absolutely impossible it is to study.

But as of 3:45 p.m. on June 22, that too came to an end also and students in Hewlett had finally made it. Left with only the smiles on their faces and the mounds of summer work that will not be touched for at least a month, students embarked on the journey that will soon form their summer. Whether they intend on returning to camp as campers or counselors, working at a local store or beach, attending an intern-based program, or simply sleeping, returning students have by now, said their good-byes to Hewlett, at least for a few months.

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