After going .500 last year with some tough competitors, the Lynbrook softball team is back in full swing, ready to make noise on the diamond.
“Everyone steps in to where they were [last year] in our first practice, so we didn’t really have to worry about much we just got into the routine of it,” said coach Peter Toscano, glad with minimal changed to his starting lineup. “We have a new first baseman [though], Daniella Inserra, so once we figured that out, it was easy to get right into practices.”
After four years with the main go-to starting pitcher, the Owls have turned to junior Kylie Schroeder. Originally an outfielder, Schroder picked up a new role this year.
“She stepped up, Kylie’s got some speed on her fastball and she hits the corners pretty nice,” coach Toscano said. “Just to watch her kind of take on the pitching and just do it and and be happy about it, she's doing a great job.”
Lynbrook also included some eighth-grade prospects, Jamie Dietch and Leah Moser, to its roster to expand its options. “We also brought up two eighth- graders, they’re still a work in progress,” Toscano said.
Four games into the season and without a loss, coach said he was pleasantly surprised with how well the pitching is, noting that when the girls step into the circle, they’ve performed well so far.
But Toscano knows where the biggest muscle lies: fielding and hitting.
“I think our strength has always been our ability to field and our ability to hit,” he said. “We're going to score a ton of runs this year.”
Fielding is expected to look especially strong, given the fact that most of the infield is returning.
“We have a new first baseman but the middle infield and third base is the same, the outfield is the same, pretty much what we’ve had the last few years,” Toscano explained. “They know each other, they work well together, and we're very fast so that really helps.”
To dissect the infield, start with senior shortstop Katie Sharkey, a standout player for multiple reasons. “She gets everything, she fields everything: every pop-up, every ground ball; she just goes 110 percent, no matter what she does,” Toscano said. “She’s [also] our leadoff hitter, a leftie slap-hitter, and she’s super fast.”
Sharkey sets the table for power-hitting junior Bianca Lobosco, who owns nearly 20 career home runs after cracking another in a 13-1 win at Freeport last Friday.
After her comes center fielder and left-handed hitter Emma Mylan, followed by Jessica Ferrara in the clean-up spot, a line-drive hitter according to Toscano. Kelsey Roth will be a reliable bat in the No. 3 or 5 spot. Mylan and sophomore Angelina Macchia, who starts at third base, had three hits apiece in a 15-3 win over North Shore last Saturday.
That’s not to say they’re top-heavy.
“The bottom of our lineup hits too, from one to nine,” Toscano said.
Bottom line is the fact the team is fast, with good vibes en route.
“Our strength is our speed, they’re definitely super fast, we’re going to steal a lot of bases,” Toscano said. “We're going to play good defense. They’re just a bunch of good kids and just having fun out there.”