Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Class Night returned on March 15, with all four grades at Lynbrook High School going head-to-head, as they participated in a series of competitions.
This year was the 96th Class Night at Lynbrook. The event started back in October where all four classes created banners for the homecoming game. Then, there was a Sports Night late last month with three days of physical competition, which led up to Class Night last Friday.
“At Class Night, students write skits, they create this backboard, which is like a big box that’s roughly four foot by six and it’s three feet deep to go with the theme,” Bryan Garcia, Lynbrook High School assistant principal, said. “The theme this year was the friends we made along the way.”
Garcia explained that all of the skits, dancing, set design, and costumes at Class Night revolved around that theme. Another banner was created on Deco Day, which was last Thursday. This banner was a 57-foot long piece of butcher paper that also related to the theme.
“Some of the kids spent from eight o’clock in the morning until three o’clock in the afternoon paining the banner,” Garcia said. “Many of them worked on this over winter break, during the weekends, or they rented out some space to work on it there.”
Each class chose a specific movie to base their skits on. The ninth graders chose Batman, for tenth grade, it was The Goonies, for eleventh grade it was Star Wars Return of the Jedi, and for twelfth grade it was Back to the Future.
“They did a phenomenal job,” Garcia said.
The dances at Class Night were split into four components, Garcia explained. These components were a girls dance, boys dance, a couples dance, and a kick line dance. Throughout the night, the skits were broken up by different dance numbers.
For Garcia, one of his favorite aspects about this event was the ability to engage with the students on a personal level. Garcia coordinates Class Night and is known to some by Mr. Class Night. This isn’t the typical interactions he has on a day-to-day basis with the students, which is why Class Night is so special to him.
“What I love is seeing how this starts at their first rehearsal at the end of February, watching them come together to work on their play and work on their dance routines, and just seeing it develop,” Garcia said.
Garcia said watching the scenes develop and turn into this spectacular performance on Class Night is something special.
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