School News

Board of Education recognized in District 24


Brooklyn Avenue, William L. Buck and Robert W. Carbonaro school students transformed into poets and singers to show their gratitude to the District 24 Board of Education at its meeting on Oct. 27. Many “thank yous” seemed to light up the night for parents, students, teachers and board members.

Beginning the celebration were several Brooklyn Avenue student government members who shared their poetry. Following right after was Buck Principal Mark Onorato, who offered some words before members of the student council asked a simple question, “What is a school board?” For the answer, several students responded in a video presentation, which they also read descriptive adjectives to about the board members and awarded the board with “Boardpoly,” mimicking the Monopoly game.

The finale featured another video presentation by Carbonaro teacher Risa Miller’s fourth-grade class, who were full of “thank yous.” And for an added treat, members of Carbonaro’s chorus sang a showtune.

Superintendent Dr. Edward Fale said he was moved by the night’s performances. “Boys and girls, you were truly spectacular,” Fale said. “When you have nights like this, you are sure every minute is worth while.”