
District: Wantagh High staff member has MRSA


A staff member at Wantagh High School has contracted MRSA, a staph infection, the district reported in a letter to parents on Thursday.

According to Superintendent Maureen Goldberg, the district is taking efforts to prevent the spread of MRSA by disinfecting the schools. She noted that the primary prevention method remains effective hand washing and the appropriate treatment of open wounds. Any student with an open wound or sore should be evaluated by a health care provider, Goldberg added.

“It is important to stress that the prevention of the spread of MRSA requires the efforts of the entire school community,” she said.

The staff member was not ill, Goldberg said, and was being treated at home with antibiotics. She added that it is not possible to determine where the staph infection was contracted. Wantagh High School was open on Friday.

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