
Hey kids, go and play

Dever opens new playground


With 500 elementary school students chanting “cut the ribbon,” officials did just that on Nov. 25, officially opening up the new playground at the James A. Dever School.

Children were anxious to explore the new playground, which was built by volunteers from the community on Nov. 7. Principal Darren Gruen urged them to be patient so he could acknowledge the many people who helped the project come together. After waiting more than a year to get it built — including two rain-outs in October — he asked them hang on just a little bit longer.

State Sen. Dean Skelos provided the $50,000 grant which funded the purchase of the equipment. He was on hand for the ribbon-cutting ceremony along with county Legislator John Ciotti, Valley Stream Mayor Ed Cahill, Malverne Mayor Patricia McDonald and town Councilman Ed Ambrosino, whose children attend Dever. Also in attendance were district administrators, board of education members, PTA leaders and many of the volunteers.

Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Lison told each of the children to go home and thank their parents that night. She noted that they all had a part in the playground project whether it was helping to build it, loaning tools or donating food for the volunteers.

Denise DeMeo’s second-grade class, which sang a few songs before the ribbon was cut, got to explore the new playground first. Gruen promised all students in the school that they would have a chance to play there before the end of the school day.