Library makes the right call with bingo day


About 20 people gathered at the Wantagh Public Library on Dec. 29 to take part in family bingo. With rainy days and children off from school, the traditional game was a fun way to bring families together.

“We’ve done this program one other time and because it was so successful, people have asked us to do it again,” children’s librarian Susan Finck said. “We chose this activity because parents are looking to do something with their kids during these few days off from school.” 

Open to children of all ages, families gathered in the community room of the library to play various rounds of the old-school bingo game and hopefully win a prize — a pick from the treasure chest at the front of the room.

“This is a great simple thing to do at the library and it doesn’t cost us anything,” Finck said. “I choose bingo because people don’t realize how it helps them with their reading skills. You have to be able to recognize numbers and identify letters so they are learning while also having a really good time.”

With the help of two staff members and the numbers and letters projected onto a screen, the children had fun calling out “bingo,” and helping each other with the markers. 

“What’s nice about bingo is that it’s not a specific age,” Finck added. “I like to do family programming because you can bring everyone. I’m a mom myself and I wouldn’t like to leave any of my children at home just because they are too young.”

Wantagh resident Kent Armstrong had a fun time playing the game with his two sons, Dean, 9, and Will, 6, and teaching them the rules.

“I brought my boys over to find something fun to do after the holidays,” Armstrong said. “We get to see people we don’t ordinarily see, as well as the other kids in the neighborhood. We also get to see what other activities happen here at the library.”

By holding events such as bingo, Finck said she hopes that the children will take out books and materials and venture out into other parts of the library.

“So many people are on their phone or in their own little world and this group activity helps everyone interact,” Finck added. “It’s so easy for parents to create a bingo set and they can do it right at home.”

The Wantagh Public Library plans on having more family programming events in the spring and the staff hopes to draw in more families for another fun-filled hour of bingo.

“There are so few places where the community can come together and meet up,” Finck said. “It’s nice on a rainy day and you don’t have to clean your house!”