Other voices

Long Beach letters


DWI and accountability

To the Editor:
I’m responding to Sari Zeidler article, "DWI, an unforgivable crime” (Nov. 5-11) part of her ongoing series from an offenders perspective, which continues to bring to the forefront a deeper "awareness" of the many experiences that a DWI offender endures.
As much as I appreciate all that the Herald continues to learn and share with the public, there is another point that I would like to add to the mix: accountability. I mean, any time a person chooses to drink and drive, they are making a choice — which is all too often is an impaired choice. A choice that undeniably, randomly touches and tragically alters countless numbers of innocent lives that never had a choice in becoming sudden victims of the horrors of DWI.

DWI is a devastation that affects everyone involved, and it is for this reason that it needs to be seriously addressed by one and all.
The more accountable we become as individuals and as a society addressing the issue of DWI, whether through example, education or legislation, the less we have to talk about the devastating consequences of DWI from either the victim's or offender's perspective.
Donna M. Pisacano-Brown
Point Lookout

Thanks for support

Dear Editor,
I would like to thank the wonderful residents of Nassau County for their support on Election Day. I am honored and privileged to have been re-elected to serve as your Nassau County clerk.
I would also like to thank the many volunteers, colleagues, neighbors and friends who gave so much of their time and efforts in support of my re-election.
In my years as a public servant, I have advocated for government that is accountable and accessible.
Since taking office as county clerk, I have sought to both modernize and personalize the services provided to the thousands of residents who interact with my office.
Your support has enabled me to continue my work to provide sound government service on your behalf, for which I am truly grateful.
Again, my heartfelt thanks for your continued support.
Nassau County Clerk