Readers' voices

Long Beach letters


DWI crash victims can turn to us

To the Editor:
“Tis the Season” has an entirely different meaning for victims-survivors of drunk driving-related crashes. Traditionally a time of celebration, the holidays may be exceptionally hard for families who have endured the devastating effect of a drunk driving crash. Their coping skills may be tested and the need for additional support is crucial.
During times of crisis, individuals often do not know where to turn for additional support and guidance. Mothers Against Drunk Driving Long Island (MADD Long Island) has many services available. If you or someone you know is a victim of a drunk-driving crash, please contact MADD Long Island so that we can assist you. The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking. MADD Long Island offers a variety of services at no charge to victims of drunk-driving crashes, including literature, guidance through the legal system, peer support, court accompaniment, victim support groups, assistance with the crime victim’s compensation process and referrals to support services.

Please contact MADD Long Island at (631) 547-6233 or for more information visit our Web site at The MADD Helpline is also available 24/7 at 877-623-3435.
We wish you a safe holiday season.
Mary Scala
Victim Adcovate, MADD LI

Boodman’s signs do no harm

To the Editor:
Thank God for patriots like Richard Boodman and shame on anyone at City Hall for bullying a man for his right to freedom of speech and/or expression (“City to resident: take your signs down,” Dec. 10-16).
These signs are attached to his house and aren't harming anyone. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong on this issue, nobody can argue with the lack of police enforcement on moving violations in Long Beach. City Hall and the police department can't even curb speeding on Park Avenue, let alone side streets. The department would rather harass people for minor parking violations, than drivers who speed or blow past red lights and stop signs.
I live in Westholme, and people are constantly blowing through stop signs. It used to be that people rolled through a stop sign, but now they tap the brake and drive right through them.
I am a self-professed fast driver and occasionally roll through a stop sign. However, I recognize that driving, jogging, bicycling and walking in Long Beach are a bit hazardous these days. City Hall needs to
wake up.
I won’t even get started on the lack of enforcement or even scolding of out-of-town pedestrians when they're walking in the bike lane.
David Pokorny
Long Beach