
Re-elect incumbents in District 24


What happens when four viable candidates run for three seats on a Board of Education? Someone, who unfortunately deserves to be there, gets left out. That’s the case in District 24, where Lisa Pellicane, the lone challenger in the field, is a very strong candidate for school board.

But in order for her to win, an incumbent would have to lose his or her seat. We don’t know who that would be — Paul DePace, Carole Meaney or Ian Wraith. DePace has served on the board for 30 years and brings veteran leadership as well as a strong knowledge of how the district works. Meaney, with 12 years on the board, has a collaborative style and listens to what the community has to say. Wraith, who has been there for six years, has a construction background, which is very valuable with buildings that are anywhere from 58 to 104 years old.

The issue of consolidation has been a hot topic in the district this year. Many residents in have spoken out against it, and the board voted against pursuing a study. Wraith drew some criticism because he voted in favor of at least exploring what a study would cost. We like the fact that Wraith stood up for what he believes, even though it went against the grain of the board. There are seven members on the board for a reason.

The District 24 board has been very effective. Its proposed budget for next year has the lowest tax increase of any of the four Valley Stream school districts, while maintaining programs, services and class sizes. There is a stable administration, led by Superintendent Dr. Edward Fale, who has been there for a dozen years. This is a sign that things are going well in the district. Why mess with that?

Pellicane is a fine candidate for school board, and if she were elected, she would be a valuable addition to the board. She would be the only board member with children in District 24 schools (though Paul DePace has grandchildren who attend), and has demonstrated leadership as the Robert W. Carbonaro School PTA president.

But as the old adage goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And the District 24 Board of Education is working very well. That’s why we support incumbents DePace, Meaney and Wraith for re-election.