Rockville Centre Letters to the Editor- August 12, 2010


Skelos vows to halt construction of mosque

To the Editor:

Like me, I'm sure you've read reports about the proposed mosque and Islamic center scheduled to be built in lower Manhattan, just two blocks from the site where the World Trade Center towers once stood.

I don't know about you, but I can't think of anything more insensitive to New Yorkers and their families than the construction of a mosque there. I oppose this move and intend to do everything possible to highlight this position.

More than six weeks ago, I wrote a letter to the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, urging them to block the planned mosque. They refused, but the fight isn't over.

According to a recent Siena Research Institute poll, an overwhelming number of New Yorkers agree. In the suburbs of New York City, where you and I live, only 13 percent support construction of the mosque; 66 percent are opposed.

I've recently launched an on-line petition drive at, and urge you to join me in making your voice heard.

None of us will ever forget where we were when we learned the horrific news that New York and America had been attacked by an evil group of Islamic terrorists who had seized commercial airliners filled with innocent people to use them as weapons to kill as many people as possible. Our sense of normalcy was gone and our lives were changed forever.

I attended dozens of funerals for men and women who lived in the 9th Senate District and worked in lower Manhattan, and were murdered by those terrorists. They kissed their children goodbye in the early-morning hours of Sept. 11 and never came home. I hugged, held and prayed with grieving spouses who didn't know how they would ever manage to go on with their lives. We owe each and every one of them a strong response to this injustice.

There's no doubt that New Yorkers are a strong and resilient bunch. We came together in the immediate aftermath that day, and lent a hand to Long Islanders and others in their time of need.

I am forever thankful that Rudy Giuliani was serving as the mayor of New York City on the morning of Sept. 11, and that he was able focus our energies for good, and bring calm to the city and surrounding areas.

They say time heals all wounds, but that's not really true. While we have come a long way since that fateful day, we will never be the same. Too many bright lights in our communities, in our places of worship and in our households were extinguished far too soon.

Please lend your voice to the fight to stop construction of this mosque at the site where the War on Terror began.

Dean Skelos

Rockville Centre

Senator, 9th District

The faithful

need parking

To the Editor:

Regarding the story "Cost of commuter parking at St. Agnes to rise" in the Aug. 5-11 issue: Forget about installing meters in the St. Agnes parking lot.

It's time for St. Agnes to provide a parking lot for its faithful parishioners and visitors so they don't have to battle 25-minute parking meters on village streets to attend daily Mass, funerals, weddings and other church functions.

Elaine E. Stillwell

Rockville Centre