Rockville Centre's humble servants


Former Rockville Centre Mayor Eugene Murray and his wife, Mary Lou, recently received the St. Agnes Medal of Service. The Most Rev. William Murphy, bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, bestowed the medals on the couple, longtime parishioners of the Cathedral of St. Agnes parish, the during the fourth annual medal ceremony. The couple was nominated to receive the medal by Rev. Msgr. William Koenig, the pastor of St. Agnes Cathedral parish, for generously and unselfishly giving of themselves. 

 “Honorees are lay people whose love of the Church has been shown through their devotion to the Holy Father, to our diocese and to their parish. They are the unsung heroes in our midst who build up our parish communities by extraordinary service in parish ministry, parish administration or some significant volunteer role,” said Bishop Murphy.


Bishop Murphy announced the creation of the medal at a January 21, 2007 Mass opening the 50th anniversary year of the diocese.  Pastors from each of the 133 parishes in the diocese were asked to nominate a lay person who unselfishly donates their time to their parish.

Designed and crafted in Rome by the Savi brothers jewelers, the medal features the image of St. Agnes, patroness of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, on one side and a depiction of St. Agnes Cathedral on the other. The 2-inch diameter medal is made to be worn around the neck.