Sea Cliff Brownies take a tour of Richner Communications


Members of Sea Cliff Brownie Troop 22 bounced energetically in their rolling chairs, shooting their hands up high to ask questions about the exciting world of print publishing. The troop was treated to a tour of the Herald Community Newspapers’ office in Garden City last Friday.

The troop got a behind the scenes look at how a newspaper is made, and toured the many facilities at the Herald’s headquarters, including the newsroom, the sales floor, and the printing press warehouse.

Executive Assistant Mike Romero kicked off the tour with a presentation about how articles, ads, and photographs get condensed into a single publication every week. The Brownies thumbed over past issues to see the finished product.

Next, the troop was taken around to the different departments, including advertising, production, and editorial. Romero explained what each department does to produce the Herald’s multiple weekly papers.

Then he brought the Brownies down into the printing warehouse. The girls’ eyes glanced upward to take in the towering machines that mass-produce the newspapers each week.

The Brownies asked questions and stayed engaged throughout the tour, a clear indication that there were a few future journalists among the troop.