Thousands of toys delivered to hundreds of Freeport children


The Nassau County Police Department helicopter flew over Freeport High School in celebration of the second annual Holiday Toy Parade on Dec. 1. The parade is a partnership between Toys of Hope/America’s Giving Project, Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams, County Executive Laura Curran, and Commissioner of Police Patrick Ryder in conjunction with the Nassau County Police Department and the Nassau County Police Department Foundation, to giveaway toys for underprivileged children in Freeport, Roosevelt and Uniondale.

The parade started at 10 a.m. at Walnut Street School in Uniondale and marched over to Rososevelt High and Middle school that eventually led the procession to Freeport High School where hundreds of families welcomed Santa Claus and a the caravan of cars and truckloads of toys. Batman and his Bat Mobile were spotted in the crowd along with a number of elected officials who also helped distribute the toys to Freeport children.