Town of Hempstead asks Guv to extend tax deadline


Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray and Receiver of Taxes Don Clavin are asking Governor Paterson to extend the deadline for payment of property taxes by one week, due to the major snowstorm expected this week. The current deadline is set for Feb. 10, and the latest forecasts predict up to 18 inches of snow could fall on the area between Tuesday and Wednesday night.

"We do not want taxpayers getting into car accidents or hurting themselves by racing through blizzard conditions to pay their property taxes before the Feb. 10 deadline," Murray said in a press release. "By extending the deadline, the Governor can save lives and help taxpayers at the same time."

Murray and Clavin are holding a press conference at the Receiver of Taxes office at 200 North Franklin Street in Hempstead at 1:30 p.m. today to formally call on the Governor to declare a state of emergency and sign an executive order to extend the deadline to Feb. 17.