
West Nile confirmed in Nassau for first time in 2010


Nassau County Department of Health announced on Wednesday the county’s first isolation of West Nile virus (WNV) from a mosquito pool. The virus was identified in a sample of Culex pipiens-restuans mosquitoes, collected on June 30 in Bethpage and test results were confirmed today by the New York State Department of Health.
To date, no humans have tested positive for West Nile virus in Nassau County.
The Nassau County Departments of Health and Public Works will continue their mosquito control efforts by inspecting breeding sites and, when necessary, applying larvicide. Mosquito surveillance will continue at 42 trap sites located throughout the county, and will be intensified in the Bethpage area.

Nassau County has no plans to spray for adult mosquitoes at this time.
Because West Nile virus is present throughout New York State and beyond, and the primary carrier of WNV in Nassau County is Culex pipiens-restuans, or “the house mosquito” which does not fly more than 200 feet from its breeding site, residents are urged to continue to take these precautions for safety and protection:

--Remove or empty standing water from children’s outdoor toys, flower pots, garbage cans, pails, old tires, or any object that can hold water.

--Make sure roof gutters drain properly; clean clogged gutters in the spring and fall.

--Keep swimming pools chlorinated and their covers free of stagnant water.

--Change the water in birdbaths every two or three days.

--Install window and door screens and keep them in good repair.

--Consider wearing long sleeves, pants, socks and mosquito repellent (according to directions) if outdoors when mosquitoes are active, especially in the late afternoon and evening hours.

--Decorative ponds and water features should be circulated or chlorinated if they do not contain fish to prevent mosquito breeding.

For mosquito, stagnant water, or drainage problems, call the Nassau County Department of Public Works at: (516) 572-1166, weekdays from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 pm.
For additional information on West Nile virus activity, contact Nassau County Department of Health at: (516) 572-1211, weekdays from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 pm.  Additional West Nile virus information may be found on the Nassau County Department of Health website at