
Women of the Wall

Speaker provides glimpse into movement


Temple Am Echad was honored to host an evening with Lesley Sachs, executive director of Women of the Wall, and a leading activist in the movements for religious pluralism and advancement of women in Israel.

Women of the Wall is an Israeli organization whose central mission is to achieve the social and legal recognition of the right of women to wear prayer shawls, pray and read from the Torah collectively and out loud at the Western Wall.

Sachs provided a glimpse into the history of the movement over the last 25 years as their supporters have suffered verbal abuse, intimidation and arrests for their cause. She is also a founding member of the “pluralist forum” that works with the political parties and the Knesset on religious pluralism in Israel.

It was an enlightening evening for all. For more information about the Women of the

Wall, visit For more information about Temple Am Echad, visit