
District 13 students will see upgrades at all school


Students across Valley Stream’s District 13 came to their schools for the first time this year on Sept. 2 to a host of upgrades and improvements to all of the district’s four elementary schools, many designed to give kids safer and larger spaces to learn in and enjoy.

Superintendent Dr. Adrienne Robb-Fund praised the improvements, all of which were paid for from the district’s general fund budget, while showcasing the renovations to school board members last week. “I think it looks absolutely beautiful, and I’m excited about it,” Robb-Fund said, “But what I’m really excited for is for the kids to get to the school and for them to be able to enjoy what’s been done.”

Willow Road Elementary School showed the largest of the renovations this summer, as their blacktop area behind the school, used often by children at the school and in the community, was entirely repaved, eliminating cracks and pot holes that posed tripping hazards. Added to the fresh blacktop are a new basketball court and a small fence, which will soon also be erected around the school’s new little league field. The total cost of the new blacktop and fencing was $425,000.

Howell Road Elementary School now has more room for their students to enjoy outside. Howell, too, received a new basketball court, complete with two sets of new baskets and fresh pavement. The school completed a new ramp to enable students in wheelchairs to access the handball court that was built last year. The ramp brings the school up to code with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and cost $55,000, while the new basketball court cost $70,000.

James A. Dever Elementary School was given a face lift, as it received new sidewalk pavement and asphalt outside its main entrance. The previous pavement was cracked and presented tripping hazards. Dever was also fitted with a new ventilation system in order to conform to codes set by the New York State Department of Education. The improvements at Dever costed $132,000.

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