Stepping Out

In harmony with the Barbershop Harmony Society

A musical journey aboard the "Fantasy Express"


Travel aboard the “Fantasy Express” when the Nassau-Mid-Island Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society presents its annual spring concert this weekend. This local group of “barbershop” singers takes audiences on an imaginary train trip across the U.S. on the “Fantasy Express” to pay a musical tribute to major locales.
The love of barbershop singing never wanes for the Harmony Society’s 60 enthusiastic singers, who represent many communities throughout the area.
“Our devoted members come from all walks of life in the Long Island community and some of them have been singing barbershop almost their entire adult lives,” said George Seelinger, 2009 Chapter President. “Their enormous joy and camaraderie in performing becomes immediately apparent whether audiences gather in local libraries, our parks, street fairs, or large auditoriums. Listeners are at once caught up in the pleasures of the music, and it is difficult for them to resist singing along – something we encourage occasionally as part of our presentations that combine music, nostalgia, humor, and a bit of participation.”
“Fantasy Express,” with performances on April 10 and April 11, features the elaborate harmonizing of the Long Island Harmonizers Chorus, and various quartets. In addition to the local quartets, the “Chordhouse Steps” – an up and coming competition-class quartet that is part of the Hunterdon Harmonizers in central New Jersey – contributes to the show as a guest foursome.
“Barbershop is a beautiful blend of harmonies, and very difficult to learn and perform,” said Bill McCoy, a Merrick resident who has been singing barbershop for 26 years.

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