School News

Students make 1,000 sandwiches for hungry


Members of North High School’s National Honor Society and English as a New Language Buddy Program collaborated to assemble more than 1,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for distribution at the Interfaith Nutrition Network in Hempstead.

Students started with 100 loaves of bread and a plentiful supply of peanut butter, jelly and Nutella, with some groups forming assembly lines and others working individually.

The effort produced 1,037 sandwiches, and the students added personalized notes with messages like, “VSN loves you,” “Have a great day” and “VSN cares about you!” to each one.

Senior Monica Campos called the experience a pleasure. “Each time we participate in this type of activity, the students at North are able to see the difference they can make in helping others through making sandwiches,” she said. “It was wonderful to have so many students work together to collaborate in helping others.”