
Valley Stream School Elections 2023: Here's the results of school board races, budgets


The ballots are in and voters have spoken for the 2023 school board races and proposed spending plans across Valley Stream school districts. Here's a rundown of the results for each school district.

Valley Stream District 13 

School board elections 

Six candidates vied for three contested seats on District 13’s Board of Education:

For the seat of Gerardo Cavaliere: Charles Sanky: 384 votes    vs. Gerard Cavaliere: 798 votes

For the seat of Frank Chiachiere: Anthony Grosso: 887 votes vs. Qubilah Mackey-Matos: 411 votes

For the seat of Patricia Farrell: Patricia Farrell: 786 votes
vs. Andrew Sgro: 456 votes

Budget passed:

  • Proposed $63.8 million dollar spending plan 
  • $5.3 million dollar spending increase - an 8.9 percent bump.
  • Highest share of spending in employee benefits, instruction, and transportation costs.
  • The proposed tax levy — the amount of money raised by property taxes —   will increase by 0.75 percent, which does not pierce the state tax cap. 
  • Highlights: Classroom aides in prekindergarten and kindergarten, full-day prekindergarten, and innovation Labs and one-to-one digital device program 

No capital expenditures will need to be voted on. 

Valley Stream District 24

School board elections: 

Five candidates vied for three seats on the District 24 Board of Education:

For the seat of Armando Hernandez: Armando Hernandez: 382 votes vs. Cristina Arroyo: 183 votes

For the seat of Cynthia Nunez: Cynthia Nunez: 391 votes vs. Rachel Figurasmith: 134 votes

Melissa Herrera ran unoppposed: 480 votes

Budget passed:

  • Proposed $37 million dollar spending plan 
  • $3 million dollar spending increase - a 8.9 percent bump.
  • Highest share of spending in instruction, employee benefits, and transportation costs.
  • The proposed tax levy — the amount of money raised by property taxes —   will increase by 1.25 percent at $22.6 million, which does not pierce the state tax cap. 
  • Proposition #2 passed
    The proposition authorized the use of $425,000 from the capital reserve fund to complete roofing improvements to William L. Buck and Robert Cabanaro School and  flooring at Brooklyn Avenue School. 

Valley Stream District 30

School board elections: 

Incumbent trustee Ingrid Wyllie Dacon ran unopposed: 262 votes 

Budget passed:

  • Proposed $44.7 million dollar spending plan 
  • The proposed tax levy — the amount of money raised by property taxes —  remains unchanged.
  • $2.9 million dollar spending increase - a 6.9 percent bump.
  • Highest share of spending in employee benefits, instruction, and general suport.
  • Highlights: Maintains and enhances districtwide
    academic programming, refurbishes playgrounds at all three schools, provides additional support to after school programs
  • Proposition #2 passed

The proposition will allow the district to
establish a new capital reserve fund not to
exceed $10,000,000 over eight years to
address capital improvements to schools
without incurring debt at no cost to the taxpayer. 

  • Proposition #3 passed

The proposition will authorize the use of $2 million from the capital reserve fund for the installation of air conditioning at all three schools. 

Valley Stream Central High School District

The Valley Stream Central High School's proposed spending plan and propositions passed. For more information, check out our budget coverage