North Bellmore budget lowest increase in 10 years


The North Bellmore Board of Education approved the 2011-12 budget at its April 14 meeting.

The proposed $48 million budget reflects a 2.18 percent increase in expenditures over the previous year. The increase is the lowest in the past 10 years, Superintendent Arnold Goldstein said.

“We’ve really tightened up the budget as much as possible,” Goldstein said. He noted that the largest part of expenditures was due to an increase in retirement benefits for employees, which is beyond the district’s control. The total cost of employee benefits rose nearly $568,000 since the 2010-11 budget. Even with the dramatic increase in retirement expenses, Goldstein noted that employees took concessions in compensation and that administration has taken the same compensation for the third straight year.

No programs will be cut and North Bellmore maintains one of the lowest costs-per-student in Nassau County, Goldstein said.

State aid is projected to be $10,421,863, a four percent decrease from last year. Goldstein noted that state aid makes up 21 percent of the budget as compared to 38 percent 10 years ago.

The budget will be presented in depth to the public at seven workshops and will be voted on May 17.

It was also announced at the meeting that deputy superintendent Carol Eskew had been nominated for tenure. Eskew was congratulated by the board as well has her fellow administrators and members of the community. It was the third time Eskew has received tenure within the North Bellmore School District. Her coworkers sighted Eskew’s hard work and commitment to special education for rising to the position. Eskew thanked everyone and added that the most recent tenure was just as meaningful as her first.

Proposed Budget Workshops:

Thursday, April 28 at Jacob Gunther School – 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 4 at J. G. Dinkelmeyer School – 7 p.m.

Wednesday, May 4 at Newbridge Road School – 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 5 at Board of Education Meeting,

Martin Ave. School – 8 p.m.

Tuesday, May 10 at Saw Mill Road School – 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 11 at Park Ave. School – 7 p.m.

Wednesday, May 11 at Martin Ave. School – 8:30 p.m.

Budget Vote:

Tuesday, May 17 at Newbridge Road School –

6 a.m. – 9 p.m.