OHS students prep for the working world


Oceanside High School is partnering with local businesses and community organizations to give students first-hand experience in the working world. This is the first school year OHS is offering an academic course in career preparation to juniors and seniors, complete with finding and placing them in after-school jobs with local employers. It's all part of the high school's Career Prep Program, which offers students resources and assistance with the job search.

Program coordinator Annie O'Hara said students can earn up to three credits through the program, depending on the amount of work they complete. Students earn one credit for taking the year-long course, another credit for completing 300 hours of work, and a third credit for completing 600 hours of work.

In class, students are taught everything from how to build their resumes and find the right career to how to prepare for a job interview and land a job. "It's really very applicable real-life skills that are being taught," O'Hara said, adding that more than 20 students enrolled in the course have already found job placements. Students are working in veterinarian and medical offices, catering halls, the library and even classrooms in the Oceanside school district. "The school and the businesses have been unbelievably generous and very supportive." O'Hara said.

Kristen Vazquez, 17, is a senior at Oceanside High School. She loves working with children and animals, and has the opportunity to do both this year. Through the Career Prep Program, Kristen works two days a week with a pre-K class at School No. 6. She also works to maintain the school's Nature Study Center, which is home to several animals, including birds, fish, and gerbils. In addition, Kristen works as a party planning assistant at Gymboree in Oceanside. She gets paid $8 an hour for her work at the Nature Study Center, and $25 plus tips for each party she helps put together at Gymboree.

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