World Interest 'cult'?

Student levies charges against OHS club


For many at Oceanside High School, the World Interest Club is a gem in the school’s crown, bringing awards and prestige home to the district. But for OHS student Melissa Toback, who has charged the leaders of WIC with discrimination and sexism, the gold was just a cheap gild, and she tried to convince the Board of Education of that at its meeting on Dec. 21.

The World Interest Club is the high school’s Model United Nations competition team. The group has won numerous awards — last year it was named Outstanding Large Delegation at the Harvard Model U.N., the most prestigious Model U.N. competitions — and is well-known for its debating prowess.

Part of the reason for the club’s success, current and former members contend, is that it is student-run. While it has a teacher advisor, its officers are students, and they not only run meetings but decide which members can attend competitions (because only a certain number are allowed to compete). All of the officers’ decisions must be approved by the club’s advisor.

Toback, a junior at the high school, joined WIC last year. She was selected to take part in the Model U.N. competition at the University of Chicago in February, where she had to fend for herself against 300 other competitors, all of whom were in teams of two. Participants debated historical issues past and present, and despite her disadvantage, Toback won the competition.

The competition has participants debate topics from modern events and history—nuclear armament talks, for example—-and try to reach a peaceful resolution. Despite her disadvantage, Toback won the competition.

“The officers had set me up to fail,” she said. “But the officers, including a current officer, all explained how impressed and proud they were of my abilities and achievements.”

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