St. Mary’s re-enacts Stations of the Cross in Long Beach


Motorists on Long Beach streets last week may have noticed a Christ-like figure bearing a cross in the middle of the road. The occasion was the reenactment of the Stations of the Cross, staged on Good Friday each year by the St. Mary of the Isle Parish.

The procession — organized and led by Juan Diego Cardona and Maurizio Ventura who portrayed Christ — started at the church, on East Park Avenue, and proceeded along Lincoln, Monroe and Riverside boulevards and East Olive Street before returning to the parish.

Intermittent stops were made at designated points along the route, and parishioners chanted songs and prayers at each Station. Rita Rozo portrayed Mary, accompanied by Carmenza Jacque as Mary Magdelene, and Sergio Macedo was Pontius Pilate. The soldiers were Frank and John McQuade and Jose Martinez.

This tradition has been carried on by the parishioners for more than 20 years. The procession is organized by the Knights of Columbus of Long Beach and the members of Our Lady of the Rosary.