Community News

A happenin' holiday


Leave it to the Chabad Center for Jewish Life to put a modern twist on a centuries-old celebration. Instead of observing the Jewish holiday of Sukkot by eating large meals and sleeping under a Sukkah, a structure resembling an awning, Chabad organized a fete under the train tracks at the Merrick Long Island Rail Road station on Oct 5.

Festival-goers enjoyed an unusual holiday repast of onion rings, hot dogs and sushi provided by Supersol Caterers; music and dancing courtesy of the Minster Brothers Orchestra and The Dancing Rabbis; and the entertainment of Keith Leaf the "Fire Juggler."

“We want to enable every person to participate in the holiday of Sukkot,” Chabad Rabbi Shimon Kramer said. “The main theme of Sukkot is unity and this was a very positive and joyous way to do it.”