Boy Scout Troop 123 is doing their part to keep the environment and the bays clean in the Town of Hempstead.
Last month, scouts from the group completed volunteer work for the Town of Hempstead Storm Drain Medallion Program.
The troop affixed “No Dumping” medallions on storm drains throughout neighborhoods, which was only the start of its efforts. Young members will once again be out in June, for another round of medallion placing.
The Storm Drain Medallion Program has been working with volunteers throughout the entire township. The town operates on the philosophy that “only rain should go down our storm drains.” The medallions act as a reminder that dumping things into drains has environmental consequences. Eventually, the town hopes that each of its 30,000 storm drains will be affixed with the medallions.
The Town of Hempstead has also installed “Drains to Bay” medallions on drains, according to, to educate communities about where stormwater drains to in their neighborhoods, and again emphasize that only rain water should drain into any of the bays or stream systems.
Troop 123, based in Merrick at the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, has served the surrounding communities for over 50 years. As scouts advance through the ranks to Eagle Scout, they learn what it takes to become outstanding citizens through a program designed to build confidence, character, leadership and invaluable skills that guide them through school, college and life.
The troop meets twice a month of Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
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