Library News

Merrick Library budget passes; Laura Cody re-elected


The 2011-12 Merrick Library budget passed a public vote on Wednesday 143-90. Next year’s $2.6 million operating budget includes a 2 percent increase in expenditures over the current year’s budget.

"We're thrilled the budget passed,” said Library Director Ellen Firer. “As always, even though the budget passed, we're always looking for the public to make suggestions and give us ideas of how we can best serve their needs."

Firer added that she plans to continue emphasizing customer service in the new budget year. "That's what we are here for,” she said.

Laura Cody was re-elected as a library trustee, defeating challenger Bob Young by a vote of 149-104. This will be Cody’s third five-year term as a trustee.

“I would like to thank the voters for electing me as a trustee for another term,” said Cody. “ I will continue to work to keep the Merrick Library a special place, and will make sure that the finances are spent in a responsible way. I also would like to commend Bob Young for encouraging the voters of Merrick to come out and vote. Again, thank you for your support.”

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