
Politically speaking, it’s a new day in Nassau County

To say that Nassau County experienced a seismic shift in its often conservative political landscape on Nov. 7 would be an understatement.

Scott Brinton

Pittsburgh, metaphor for America

The public bus dropped me at a dirt patch seemingly in the middle of nowhere. In front of me, on the other side of a four-lane highway, was a wide river. Behind me was a tree-covered escarpment. Pittsburgh was nowhere to be seen.

Alfonse D'Amato

Election message: drain the swamp, stop the alligator fights!

It’s said that every election has consequences. True enough. And some elections also carry a message. While the consequences of last week’s elections . . .

Randi Kreiss

All hell broke loose after #MeToo took off

You need a scorecard to keep up with the sexual harassers these days. Used to be there was an occasional murmur about bad behavior by a celebrity or a political hot shot . . .