At the 11th hour, let us remember them


In the first of several Veterans Day-related events, Rockville Centre honored the nation’s servicemen and women with a luncheon on Nov. 9 at the Sandel Senior Center.

There were more than 28 local veterans on hand and many were asked to say a few words to the 100 attendees. Among those present were both current Mayor Francis Murray and his father, former Mayor Eugene Murray, a veteran of World War II who served under General George Patton.

Rockville Centre Police Commissioner Chuck Gennario, also a veteran of the Marine Corps, described his own experiences and how proud he was to be at the luncheon with men who served, many of them during World War II.

“We have a lot of golden warriors here, golden warrior veterans,” Gennario said. “They are the guardians of patriotism.”

Among the memorabilia featured at the luncheon were a badge of honor and certificate presented to George Antonucci by the French government for his efforts to help liberate during World War II. Antonucci also received a bronze star from the American government.

Blankets knitted by the seniors were also on display and according to Kathe Hardenburgh, the Sandel Center’s program coordinator, they will be given to patients in the Northport Veterans Hospital. The blankets, which had a variety of colors and patterns, help keep the legs of those in wheelchairs warm.

“It’s a wonderful place, but they can’t leave it,” said Joseph Scarola, commander of American Legion Post 303, of the Veterans Hospital. “Many of them are physically disabled, many of them are mentally disabled. When we bring these blankets, they thank us for bringing [them] and it never ceases to put a lump in my throat.”

Veterans Day at the Rec. Center

Scarola was on hand to lead the village’s second Veterans Day commemoration — a special day on a special date , 11-11-11 — that was attended by residents of many generations and local officials including trustees Kevin Glynn, Ed Oppenheimer, former Mayor Gene Murray, former trustees David Krasula, Jeanne Mulry and Greg Rinn, Assemblyman Brian Curran, Gold Star mother Marianne Winchester and Judge Anthony Paradiso.

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