Letters to the Rockville Centre Herald - June 23, 2011


Stop means stop

To the Editor:

Because of the rising gas prices, I started riding my bicycle to work in town. In so doing, I didn’t realize that I’d be taking my life in my hands. When did it become OK to ignore stop signs? I rarely see anyone come to a full stop anymore. This is dangerous.

I’ve seen parents with children in their cars rolling through stop signs. What are we teaching our kids? A law is a law, and breaking it should come with consequences.

After inquiring with the Rockville Centre Police Department, I found out that an average fine for failing to stop at a stop sign is $150. The average ticket for an expired parking meter is $30. Now, doing basic math, it seems that if more people were ticketed for failing to stop at stop signs, at $150 a ticket, we could bring more money into the village and curtail all of the increases in parking meter rates. In doing this, we might help people understand the importance of coming to a complete stop, securing the safety of our residents. Let’s start holding ourselves accountable for our actions. Step up, people, and do the right thing!

Caron Lerner

Rockville Centre

Still time to catch it

To the Editor:

There is a wonderful exhibit currently on display at the Rockville Centre Public Library that I would encourage the community to view. In recognition of Gay Pride Month in June, Director Maureen Chiofalo and the board of trustees approved the use of the display cases for an exhibit that reflects the diversity of our community and highlights a segment of the library’s collection, about which many patrons may not be aware.

Designed by librarian Alene Scoblete, the Gay Pride exhibit is attractive, insightful and informative. It pairs themed groupings with powerful quotes, ranging from pop musician Ricky Martin to a soldier’s epitaph, which will surely inspire thoughtful reflection. I hope everyone in the community visits the library this month to experience these creative and compelling showcases.

Ronna Weiss

Rockville Centre

Double kudos to the RVC F.D.

To the Editor:

I want to thank the Rockville Centre Fire Department and their ambulance rescue service. These gentlemen transported my wife two times to South Nassau Communities Hospital, once on the evening of May 20, and once again on the morning of May 28.

They are a group of professional, patient and knowledgeable people who make me feel more secure knowing they’re around.

I wasn’t able to get their names, but I’m sure they know who I’m writing about. Again, my sincere thanks.

James E. Deenen

Rockville Centre