There's something for everyone at Rockville Centre schools' summer program


In the heat of the summer, there’s a place where kids have the chance to escape the mundane practices of normal summer routines and attend a program where their counselors are also certified teachers.

These students have the option to choose which activities they wish to participate in. During the Rockville Centre school district’s Summer Program, that recently wrapped up, there were more than 25 different classes for children to choose from, leaving no shortage of excitement and dispelling the myth that all summer programs are the same.

When asked why this program works, its director, Therese Cohen said, “The Rockville Centre Schools’ Summer Program offered something for everyone. Whether a child was artistic, athletic, or both, our program provided a fun and exciting way to explore their talents.  

Together, the students and I had a wonderful summer,” she said.

The Summer Program began with a grant about 30 years ago and has flourished into a program that hosts approximately 360 children every summer.

Staffed by both school teachers and South Side High School students, it starts in the beginning of July and continues through the first week of August. The program is run out of the office of Noreen Leahy, the district’s administrator for Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education.