School news

A rabbit’s tale

Celebrating Chinese New Year


If you passed by Lorraine Liberti’s second grade classroom door on the morning of Feb. 3 and heard quite a racket coming from inside, it was not because her students were misbehaving — they were trying out their new noisemakers just given to them by their classmate, C.J. Peknic!

C.J. threw his classmates a party to celebrate the Chinese New Year, the year of the rabbit. He brought in delicious scallion pancakes; a fun filled “Find the Hidden Rabbits” activity sheet, and a brightly colored, red bag full of treats for each of his classmates.  C.J. taught his classmates and his teachers, Athena Kallinikos and Liberti, how to read and say “Happy New Year!” in Chinese. A grand time was had by all.