School news

East Rockaway High School holds graduation ceremonies

Some pomp, a little circumstance


East Rockaway High School’s class of 2011 held its graduation ceremonies in the Harry Bunting auditorium last Friday.

School Superintendent Dr. Roseanne Melucci touted a list of the class’s achievements. “There’s a lot of talent in this class,” Melucci said. “… [Y]oung men and women, you have the intelligence, the stamina and the determination to be our future leaders — I know I will be hearing wonderful things about your future accomplishments.”

“Through the years, I’ve learned from our class that an obstacle is just a steppingstone,” Valedictorian Cody Hirashima said in his speech. “Tonight we stand as a class and as individuals at the crossroads … tonight your life is in your own hands … tomorrow you will venture into a future of your own creation. Believe in your own potential and I know that you can soar to heights above and beyond.”

Principal Bill Fortgang announced the retirement of guidance counselor Bob Emery after many years of service, the last eight at East Rockaway High. Emery bowed to a standing ovation, visibly moved.

“I suppose our class is like a diamond in the rough,” said Salutatorian Christopher Chiaffitelli. “We just needed a little polishing to make us shine. Our school may be small in numbers, but we’re part of a close-knit community, and this class is a fine example.”

Guest speaker John Weiss, a 1969 graduate and a successful businessman who hold 16 U.S. patents, said that his graduating class could never have guessed what the future had in store. “If you asked us what a ‘cell call’ was,” he joked, “we’d probably say it was your one phone call from the county jail.”

Weiss added, “Don’t be afraid to fail. Among every failure is a little piece of knowledge. Go where no man or woman has gone before … I hope the sun shines on all of you, and that you find peace and happiness in this life.”

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