
James A. Dever learns about neurodiversity


James A. Dever Elementary School proudly celebrated Neurodiversity Week recently, spearheaded by the school’s dedicated speech team, as part of National Speech-Language-Hearing Month. The weeklong event fostered understanding, inclusion, and appreciation of neurodiversity among students and staff.

Principal Darren Gruen expressed pride in the school’s commitment to inclusivity. “Neurodiversity Week at James A. Dever Elementary is a testament to our dedication to creating an inclusive environment where every student feels valued and understood,” he said. “Our speech team has done an exceptional job in organizing this event, and we are thrilled to see the enthusiasm and support from our students and staff.”

Throughout the week students engaged in a series of educational and fun activities designed to highlight the strengths and unique qualities of individuals with diverse neurological profiles. Each day of the week featured a different theme to promote awareness and inclusivity.

“Kindness is Our Superpower Day” kicked off the week with a powerful message of inclusion. Students pledged to be superheroes for inclusion, donning their favorite superhero shirts to symbolize their commitment to kindness and acceptance. On “Neurodiversity Thursday,” the school was awash in vibrant colors as students wore rainbows or tie-dyed clothes. This colorful display celebrated the beauty and diversity of the human mind, emphasizing that every individual’s neurological differences are valuable and worth celebrating.

The week concluded with “Sensory Friendly Friday,” where students wore their most comfortable clothes or pajamas. This day was dedicated to acknowledging and supporting students with sensory sensitivities, providing a comfortable and understanding environment for all.