“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at OHS


Shakespeare came alive at Oceanside High School on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21 and Nov. 22 when the students put on a stunning performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

The story portrays the adventures of four young lovers along with a group of amateur actors and their interaction with woodland fairies and the local royalty.

Set in mythical Athens and an enchanted forest, we encounter a fairy king and his helpers along with a misguided parent, star-crossed lovers and a boastful actor who is transformed into a half-donkey while attempting to stage a production of “Pyramus and Thisbe” for the wedding of the Duke of Athens.

Celebrating the world’s most popular pastime, falling in love, the performance kept the audience captivated from “curtain up.”

The mischievous Puck shows us all that in the end falling in love can make fools of us all.