Joel Schneider to head SNCH capital campaign


South Nassau Communities Hospital kicked off a five-year, $10 million capital campaign last December to help fund a $60-million renovation and expansion of the hospital’s emergency services department, and named Joel Schneider, a member of the hospital’s board of directors and building committee, to chair it.

The capital campaign chair is a volunteer position. Schneider has been actively raising funds for the hospital’s emergency department expansion, which will nearly double the size of the department. The emergency department is now due to local population growth and the closing of the Long Beach Medical Center facing a projected 80,000 visits a year.

“There is no one more qualified and committed to take on the task of campaign chair than Joel Schneider,” said Richard Murphy, president and chief executive officer of SNCH. “He is a natural and enthusiastic leader, who is well-respected and well-known in the business and civic communities along the south shore. He shares a passion for expanding South Nassau’s ability to provide high-quality, compassionate health-care services.”

“Since being named a member of the hospital’s board of directors, Joel has been deeply committed to ensuring that South Nassau provides the highest quality emergency medical services to the people and communities of the south shore of Nassau County,” added Joseph Fennessy, chairman of South Nassau’s board of directors. “He has the undivided support and commitment of his fellow board members to achieve the goal of the campaign.”

Schneider, a local developer and owner of real estate, will help attract major donors and assist the hospital’s development office with the planning and execution of fund-raising strategies and initiatives.

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