Uniondale continues to revolutionize education

Uniondale's coding museum ushers in a new era of tech learning


In an effort to get more children involved in the vibrant and ever-evolving world of coding technology, and programming — the Uniondale School District recently hosted a groundbreaking two-day coding event at California Avenue Elementary School, which aimed to do just that.

Taking place on Dec.7 and 8, the coding museum events transformed the largest hallway of the school into an interactive learning space, where students of all ages had the opportunity to explore the fascinating realms of coding and computer science.

“It’s a joy to see our students engaging with technology and each other in such a dynamic way,” said California Avenue Principal Byan Bruno, “we believe that events like this spark a lifelong interest I. STEM and equip our students with essential skills for the future.”

This inaugural day of the event was dedicated to the younger learners within the district. The sprawling space was dotted with a variety of coding stations, each meticulously set up and managed by a committee of five dedicated teachers and several former students. These stations showcased a range of hands-on activities for students to dive head-first into. With activities ranging from engaging with Edison Robots, to participating in Sphero activities such as bowling, painting, and navigating mazes all with the purpose to try and provide an accessible introduction for young students to the fundamentals of coding and robotics in a fun and interactive manner.

“It’s inspiring to see how our scholars have embraced the world of coding and technology at California Avenue Elementary School,” said Superintendent Monique Darrisaw-Akil, “this event is not just about learning code, it’s about opening doors to new ways of thinking, problem solving and creativity.”

As the hall buzzed with the enthusiasm of the young minds delving into the exciting world of coding, the second day of the event shifted its focus to the older students, offering a more in-depth experience. This second day aimed to deepen each student’s understanding of advanced coding concepts and activities, with the district hoping to lay the groundwork for a future where technological proficiency is increasingly normalized.

To ensure a seamless and immersive experience for all students, specific time slots were assigned to allow everyone to participate in all of the stations available. The committee members and former students who volunteered for this event played a pivotal role in its success and of the experience of the students.

Volunteers helped manage stations, and provided guidance and explanations to the young scholars. The most popular activities from the two days included coding with robots and Ozobots, which are small, programmable robots designed for teaching coding and programming concepts to children. Other popular activities included exploring and learning how green screen technology works, and engaging in "coding unplugged," all of which ignited curiosity and excitement among every student who participated.

“The dedication and innovation of our teachers and scholars in organizing and running these activities have been phenomenal,” said Principal Bruno.

Beyond being an educational endeavor, the coding museum is another example of the Uniondale School District, Superintendent Monique Darrisaw-Akil and their unwavering commitment to nurturing a passion for STEM subjects from a young age to actively engage, learn, and draw inspiration from the vast potential of coding and technology. “Our District is committed to providing our students with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed, and this coding museum is an example of that commitment in action,” the Superintendent said.

“We believe that in the world of STEM, the journey is as exciting as the destination,” said the superintendent. She has explained her belief that by providing students with these hands-on experiences, it will instill not only very beneficial technical skills, but also help students foster a genuine love for the sciences — ensuring that future generations are well-versed in the language of technology and prepared for the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing and increasingly digital world.