LI Breakfast Club celebrates family day in West Hempstead


The Long Island Breakfast Club held a special family event, Long Island Family Day, at the Lakewood Stables in West Hempstead on July 25. The purpose of this event, according to Club founder and President Valentina Janek, was simply "to have some fun." It's especially necessary during a period of high unemployment, when everyone is affect, she said.

Not only was the event's purpose to lighten the mood, it was also intended as a networking event for Long Island's unemployed or under-employed mid-lifers, Janek said.

The highlight of Family Day was what Janek described as a "unique and whimsical" raffle to win a one-month lease of Oopsy the horse and the Club's mascot. Why raffle off a horse? "When you are unemployed, riding a horse can help you open up your mind so you can figure out what you can do next in your career," Janek said.