Herald Endorsement

Tried and true and something new for West Hempstead Board of Ed


    Difficult economic times call for strong leadership on the Board of Education in West Hempstead — trustees who possess a variety of traits and skills, including experience, enthusiasm, innovation, ambition and vision.
    Incumbent board member Martin Kaye and newcomer Rudolph Schindler embody these traits, among others, and the Herald encourages residents to cast their votes on Tuesday for these two candidates.
    Kaye has served on the board for nearly two decades. He has given his all to the district, staying involved in community affairs and events and working to improve education in West Hempstead. For Kaye, who is also a member of the BOCES board, success is about collaboration. He believes it takes teamwork to provide quality education — teamwork that includes board members, school administrators, educators, parents and students. His global approach to managing education extends to and encompasses the entire West Hempstead community.
    Whether he is working with the board on a budget or discussing opportunities for change and growth, Kaye maintains a spirit of motivation, which goes a long way toward achieving results. Having served for so many years, he has honed his experience and molded it into something tangible and proactive, which others seem to use for inspiration.
    Similarly, Schindler, who is challenging incumbent Davis Whelpley, has the ability to turn words and ideas into actions. His enterprise will serve the district well, particularly in bringing to the schools the most up-to-date and cost-effective educational programs.

As a father of three children in West Hempstead schools, Schindler has a firm grasp of what is going on in the classroom. It is necessary for board members to have that insider’s view because it helps them better understand, and therefore serve the interests of, both students and educators.
    For Schindler, it is important to provide context in education. He believes that when that is coupled with outside-the-box thinking, it inspires a desire for change and growth. Schindler maintains that giving students and educators tools for growth, and channeling their motivation in the right way, can accomplish good things not only for the school district, but for the next generation. His forward thinking and vision for a much-improved system will only help the district, and potentially move West Hempstead to the top as an example of great education.
    While Kaye’s experience will bring a seasoned confidence to the board, Schindler’s bright outlook will be a breath of fresh air.
    We commend seven-year incumbent Davis Whelpley for his unwavering dedication to the district and for serving as a role model and inspiration to other board members. We also applaud Cynthia Di Miceli, who is challenging Kaye, for her enthusiasm and progressive approach to education; and Nathalie Crosland, who is challenging Whelpley, for her desire to improve education in the West Hempstead. We encourage them to share their ideas with the board, to remain involved with the district and to run again.
    Considering the economic climate, we believe the school board needs Kaye’s knowledge and experience. But recognizing that a new generation has replaced the old, and that ever-changing technology continues to make advancements and improvements in education, we feel the board will benefit from Schindler’s addition. Together they will help the board strike a perfect balance. We urge residents to vote for Kaye and Schindler on Tuesday.